Monday, June 4, 2012

It has been an exciting month.  Our base has been really busy, and our school is now only weeks away from finishing.  In regards to the base, just last week between our Ensenada Campus and our Tijuana Campus we constructed 13 houses.  It was nothing short of amazing to watch this take place before my eyes.  We see a lot of need in this world, but often we cannot get to the point where our conviction brings us to a point where we can help.  As impressive as this is it expands beyond this.  Because of the houses we build we are known in the community.  Youth With a Mission has created a repoire with the community.  That relationship is allowing us to intentionally engage with these people.  Out of the foundation that has been created through homes of hope there are ministries growing on our base.  We have ministries that work with preschool kids, adolescent boys, and some of the mothers.  We try and raise education and prepare equip them so they can raise their quality of life through education.  We also are working and disciplining people so they can grow in their faith.  I have had a chance to work with the preschool and the youth groups.  They are exciting programs and they are ready to explode, but the need more help. 

I have been praying for a long time about what to do next.  When I came here I thought I would be done traveling, I was ready to get to work, ready to finally find a job.  I have been praying and looking since Christmas intentionally trying to understand where God wanted me to take up a leadership position.  As I began to look I found a lot of internships within the Churches, some part times job but nothing full time.  I felt like I needed to step into a full time position, but could not find one.  The discussion came up with the leaders here about me staying on as staff.  After prayers and discussions with many family and friends I realized this was my place to take on that full time position.  This place is ready for people to come and take on leadership roles; they want people to commit so they can move forward.  

YWAM San Diego Baja has a vision, that this place will become a place a where we can teach and train young people to be an influence in the world, that our base can help raise up Mexican nationals, and more Latin American Missionaries, and to continue to impact the communities we work in not just through the homes we build, but in all the ministries that come out of that.  I believe that the bible school is something that can bring all of things together.  We need to teach people to read! How can we expect all these things to happen if they are not grounded in the word, if they cannot look at the bible for themselves and understand how to study these truths? They will have a hard time growing.  Reading is fundamental for education just as learning to read the Bible is just as fundamental.  

I will graduate bible school on the 23rd of June and fly out on the 25th to join with a few other bases of YWAM in the states.  We will be traveling in a van following a concert series, and then I will be trying to visit family.  I am hoping to spend some time in Minnesota at the end of the summer and then off to Texas for a week or so.  After this craziness I will be coming back to Tijuana to start working with the bible school.  

I am so excited to be able to step into a leadership role here in YWAM, and work with this bible school.  Please come visit, come see what life is like, on the other side, (this is what they call the United States here).  If you can’t make it out please let me know what is going on, stay in contact. 
Continue to pray for YWAM San Diego Baja that we can continue to walk where God has called us.  Pray that I can find a role here, and step into that when I come back in the fall.  Stay tuned there is more coming soon!!!!

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