Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Enjoying the present and getting ready for the future

A busy first month has led into a quick month of February where we are wrapping up the Old Testament and getting ready to start the last semester of the school.  We have spent six months working through the OT and now we are getting close to Jesus.  Apart from getting ready to start the New Testament our school also built a house for a family in one of the local communities.  This base has a strong call to help the people in the area, and one of the ways they do this is by building homes.  The ministry is called Homes of Hope, there is more information at http://ywamsandiegobaja.org/homes-of-hope.  Our school built just one of 17 homes that are going to be built in the month of March.  The homes we build will give us opportunities in the community to minister to the people as a mission base. 

As with all short term commitments as soon as I am comfortable in one place I have to start looking for the next project, school, job, place to live.  At Christmas I thought that I was headed to China with one of the outreach teams from my school.  We have two teams going on outreach.  One team will be staying in Mexico and the other is headed to China.  The Mexico team will be going into churches and bible studies to assist in teaching the bible and the method we use to study the bible.  The China team will be traveling as tourists talking with people and learning about eastern culture.  Through these discussions the hope is to be able to share our world view and answer questions about our beliefs.  These teams are preparing, studying and raising support to make these trips possible. 

I was originally planning on going to China, but I feel God calling me to stay in Latin America.  I want to go to a language school back in Chile that starts at the end of July.  This is a four month school and it will allow me to work on my grammar as well as increase my vocabulary.  I am ready to start working, but I have realized that in order to effectively teach and translate I need formal training in Spanish.  Since 2010 I have thought about returning to Chile and it seems that I have an opportunity to do that here. 

Finally I want to let everyone know that I get to return to Texas for Spring Break.  The Diocese of West Texas has given me to the opportunity to fly back and work on Mustang Island for Spring Break Family Camp.  I will be flying in the 8th and coming back to Mexico the 19th of this month.  I should be in San Antonio for the first few days and then in Corpus Christi for the rest of the time.  I can’t wait to be back in Texas!